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English for Business

Are you working in a business environment and need English for your career?
Sign up for the English for Business course and conquer career heights

Sign up for English for Business

Do you want to learn the language of international business or prepare for exams?
We are waiting for you at our school. Sign up now.

3,950 ₽/lesson

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English for Business courses are training in business and professional English, which is used by specialists in various fields of activity. To successfully complete this course, you need to already have a good enough command of the English language, at least its basic rules, because grammar and logic remain the same – you only need to master the vocabulary and “norms of communication” characteristic of your profession.

Business English is distinguished by the presence of special clichés – standard phrases used daily by millions of people around the world for negotiation and correspondence, drawing up resumes and contracts, speaking at seminars and conferences. The competent use of such “templates” is an important step towards expanding international partnerships and professional ties with foreign specialists.

business woman

Who is the course for?

English for Business courses are worth choosing for people who:

  • They want to get a high position in a foreign company.
  • Often participate in international exhibitions and conferences.
  • Negotiating with foreign partners.
  • Planning to get an MBA.

You will also need special vocabulary – basic terms and even slang words related to your field of activity. All this you can learn during our course, studying thematically selected text, audio and video materials, as well as communicating online with foreign colleagues! By improving your English, you will simultaneously expand your professional knowledge and be able to write your resume correctly.

Knowing the vocabulary of your field and typical speech “patterns”, you will be able to conduct any kind of professional activity in English.

As part of the course, there are additional classes with a British businessman who knows what he is talking about, not from textbooks.


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Develop your English skills in a business environment

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Advantages of the Online Class school

English for Business online from our school has the following advantages:


Saving money

No need to spend money
on textbooks and the road


Save your time

An online course will allow you
gain knowledge without leaving home


Promotions and bonuses

Our students receive
various discounts and bonuses

Class Schedule

  • Classes are usually held 2 times a week, but by agreement with the teacher, you can do it less often or more often.
  • You can also postpone classes to other days if, for some reason, you cannot adhere to a constant schedule. Only online courses can afford this flexibility. It is very convenient and allows you to study regularly and not miss classes.
  • Each lesson lasts 60 minutes and takes place on a dedicated online learning platform. You get into it from your personal account on our website. There is an audio and video chat with the teacher in real time, as well as a virtual board on which documents for work (pictures, books, presentations) are uploaded.

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